28 March 2007

Quick Updates

I finally moved from sleeping on Rory's sofa - which has been my bed for the last 2 weeks or so - and got 'a place of my own'. Last year I found a great place to live very quickly, but this time around it's been a real nightmare. Some of the trouble comes from the housing shortage and price inflation brought about by what seems to be an accelerating exodus from Iraq. But some of it is just me being a lot pickier. This place I've moved to will be a great flat - when it's finished! And that's the trouble - half of it is still very much a work in progress complete with tins of paint, tools, piles of rubbish etc. The other half is great, but I still need to harass the landlord to provide me with stuff like a fridge, a cooker etc. Nevermind...

In the meantime I'm planning to head off to Jordan tomorrow. I've been in Syria for more than a month which, because I'm on a tourist visa, means I have to report to the ever-cheerful staff of the Immigration Office and have a morning of alternately filling in forms and waiting around in order to get an extension. Alternatively, I can avoid this rigmarole by crossing one of Syria's borders and then returning - so I decided it's time to visit Syria's southern neighbour. Expect a blog post in a week or so reporting on what I got up to.

Take care,


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